Canyon Ceramics e-commerce website
An e-commerce website that sells handmade ceramics (made by me!)
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Redux, Express, PostgreSql, Sequelize
Team: Laura Maranto, Groana Melendez, Camila Browne
Role: Database schema design, server routes, Sql queries, admin site features, adding products, seeding the database, and testing.
The site visitor or signed in user can view all products from the All Products page. From there they can click on an individual product to view its description and add it to their cart.
A site visitor or signed in user can add a product to their cart from a product’s Single Product page. When the user does this the cart will instantaneously update.
After the site visitor or user has added products to their cart they can click the cart button in the top right corner to visit their cart. From the cart they can change the quantity they would like to purchase, remove the product, and checkout.
Admin features
When a user with admin permissions is signed in, they can add a new product and delete a product from the All Products page. This action will update the website and database instantly. The admin can also update a product’s name, price, description, and available quantity from its Single Product page.